RCRC Burns Night Celebration
Saturday 27th January 2024
18:30 - 22:30
Last year's event saw more than 90 members from across all sections of the club dancing the night away. We will be capping tickets at 100, buy early to avoid disappointment.
Doors open 6:30
Sit down to dinner 7:15
Address to Haggis and Main Course served 7:30pm.
Dancing from 8.00
Last orders 10:15
Carriages 10:30
There will be a bar with alcoholic and soft drinks.
Payment by cash or card.
Tickets cost £25.00 each and payment can be made to the following account.
Sort Code: 60-40-08, Account No: 32963033. Please reference the payment BURNS followed by your name.
Please contact the attached email to let us know you are coming. rcrcsecretary@gmail.com
Please advise of any dietary requirements at the time of booking.
We will also raffle a hamper filled with items generously donated by members. Please remember to bring cash with you.Tickets will be £1:00 or £5:00 per strip of 5 tickets.
Please note the CUT OFF for ordering tickets is 4pm on Friday 19th January.