DEE LANE CLOSURESWe have received notice from CW&C that Dee Lane is scheduled for closure on certain dates in September so that essential work can be carried out to the retaining wall.
Please see the note below in particular with regards to parking during the proposed period as well as access.
The full note can be read using the link at
Works will take place on Monday 2nd September 2024 until Friday 13th September between 08:00hrs – 17:00hrs (8am -5pm).
A road closure will be in place during these times. Please make sure that all vehicles are removed from Dee Lane, through the roadworks area itself between the hours of 07:45 –17:15. ANY VEHICLES PARKED ON DEE LANE DURING THESE TIMES WILL BE REMOVED.
Please note that these works are weather dependent, and dates may change subject to weather conditions.Should you have any queries regarding this closure, please contact