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Registered Charity 326662
The Royal Chester Young People's Trust was established by Declaration of Trust on the 1st June 1984 in order to assist young people in full time education realise their potential in rowing as a sport, whether at recreational or international competitive level.
Generally, the Trust is able to assist by providing appropriate equipment or a financial contribution towards travel coaching, or training expenses. Although, as the name of the Charity implies, the majority of the assistance is provided to young rowers within Royals, a significant number of young people from other Clubs have also benefited.
The Royal Chester Young People's Trust is a registered charity and therefore a very tax efficient conduit to ensure that any donations and legacies to assist young rowers and their activities can have maximum impact. Those tax efficiencies include, if the donor is a UK taxpayer, the Trust reclaiming 25 pence for every pound donated through Gift Aid. In addition, if the donor is a higher rate taxpayer, then he or she can reclaim the higher tax paid. Furthermore, legacies provided for the Trust in a will are paid before the calculation of inheritance tax thus leaving the full allowance to be used for the rest of the estate.
The Trust is also able to source donations from other Charitable Foundations available only to registered charities and all interest earned from the Trust’s deposits is collected gross, ie free of tax.
In this way and since its inception, the Royal Chester Young People's Trust has raised in excess of £50,000 of funds not otherwise available to the Club, and with no overheads, is able to direct this very valuable contribution where it is needed most, namely to assist anyone who by reasons of youth, social or economic circumstances, find themselves disadvantaged from their peers in rowing.
Examples of the Trust’s recent fund assistance for equipment can be seen around the Club in the form of the new landing stage (40% contribution) and two coaching launches (50% contribution), but one of the most important areas of its purpose is that of supporting young rowers, either as individuals or in a group, who without such external assistance, would not be able to afford the necessary training and rowing costs. Each case is considered on merit and where appropriate in confidence, and usually aims to ensure the applicant is not disadvantaged for reasons of finance. In this way and by working together, the Trust and the Club can provide the best opportunities for all our young members, and the rowers can develop their full potential on merit alone.
The Trust and the Club work closely together to identify the ongoing needs for appropriate equipment and any specific training requirements for individuals or groups. If any parent or guardian feels that they would like to be considered for financial support, they are invited to contact John Boothman as Chairman of the Trust. Any discussion and consequent arrangements would be confidential if appropriate to the well being of the individual.
If you interested in finding out more about our Trust and perhaps how you can support us, please contact the Trust in the first place by email:-
Trust Chairman – John Boothman -
Trust Treasurer – Paul Johnston -
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