The club has purchased 2 boats: a brand new sculling boat Wintech International single sculling boat [65-75kg] and a second-hand sculling boat (Wintech International single [75-85kg]).
Well done to Junior 17s member Lucy Thomson for recently obtained a 5k erg PB. Well done also to Junior rower Mica Hird whose ergo score along with Lucy’s has been submitted for GB trials.
We'll be signing up to an Environmental Pledge.
We plan to trial a system for accepting cashless payments.
Following an audit of blades, repairs are being arranged so that we'll have as many full sets as possible in good, usable condition.
The committee wishes to thank: Dillon Brooks who has put together a safety report as part of his Duke of Edinburgh award. Duncan Little for the repairs he has been carrying out at the club. Chloe Sheward for work done on the blades audit.
A Captain’s virtual dinner is being arranged for 27 March. Open to all members and their guests, there will be games, speeches and a raffle.
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