As we promised last week, we have now updated the documents to permit a further return to rowing, responding to the

update from British Rowing that was released on 4th June
We are now able to allow for juniors and less experienced single scullers to join group sessions accompanied by a coaching launch. This will now relate to a lot more people and we can plan ahead for a larger return.
There are currently to be no crew boats (outside of households) and it is not expected that this will be possible until British Rowing moves into the next stage of their plan, Phase C.
JUNIORS will be contacted by Ailsa - Junior Co-Ordinator / your group coach in advance of your anticipated return. Your coach will book the session time for the group. Communication will be through the already established whats-app groups.
ADULTS - please get in touch with your crew co-ordinator / captain if you wish to return to sculling but didn't feel able to when there was not a launch available. They will then pass on to Chloe, for you to be sent the booking details.
Booking (due to the limit on group sizes & amount of equipment) for adult sessions will be communicated to those who get in touch this weekend, with the first sessions available to book later next week.
Private Scullers- Adult private scullers are to continue booking their slot on the existing booking sheet, if any private scullers are having any issues please speak to Chloe directly. Parents of any juniors with private boat racking will be contacted by Chloe over the weekend.
We are constantly reviewing / updating, so any feedback welcomed. If you are not an experienced sculler, or have not sculled for very long (youngest juniors & LTR), we are planning to have sessions aimed at a beginner level as we move through the stages and we will keep you updated when it is safe to start this over the coming weeks.
As usual, this is written in relation to the latest British Rowing documents and government policy relevant to the club, if you do not live in England please check your own local policy.
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